, Nice new feature introduced in Oracle 10g:
Single-Set Aggregates in DML Returning Clause: -as per Oracle documentation- This feature enables the use of single-set aggregation functions in the RETURNING clause of DML statements. This capability can result in significant performance gains in transactions that process many rows of the same table, a behavior often observed in batch processes.
Simple syntax is:
can be table, materialized view or single-table view.
The purpose of the RETURNING clause is to return the rows affected by the INSERT statement.
RETURNING clause can be used with UPDATE statement:
RETURNING clause can be used with UPDATE statement also:
Single-Set Aggregates in DML Returning Clause: -as per Oracle documentation- This feature enables the use of single-set aggregation functions in the RETURNING clause of DML statements. This capability can result in significant performance gains in transactions that process many rows of the same table, a behavior often observed in batch processes.
Simple syntax is:
INSERT INTO {table} (columnn)
RETURNING {exp} INTO {variables};
can be table, materialized view or single-table view.
The purpose of the RETURNING clause is to return the rows affected by the INSERT statement.
SET serveroutput on DECLARE v_total_salary NUMBER; BEGIN INSERT INTO emp SELECT * FROM emp RETURNING SUM (sal) INTO v_total_salary; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Total Salary is: ' || v_total_salary); END;
RETURNING clause can be used with UPDATE statement:
SET serveroutput on DECLARE v_total_salary NUMBER; BEGIN UPDATE emp SET sal = sal * 1.1 RETURNING SUM (sal) INTO v_total_salary; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Total Salary is: ' || v_total_salary); END;
RETURNING clause can be used with UPDATE statement also:
SET serveroutput on DECLARE v_total_salary NUMBER; BEGIN DELETE FROM emp WHERE manager IS NOT NULL RETURNING SUM (al) INTO v_total_salary; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Total Salary is: '); END;
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